Everything was kept extremely fair and even to highlight the pure talent of the drivers. We were then allocated into groups, I was in Team Melbourne and our first module was team work. The panel certainly teamed us up very well as all the teams got on like a house on fire and pushed each other well. We learnt to work with each other, negotiate with sponsors, get the job done, be punctual and the list goes on. It was a lot of fun and a great way to build the teams relationship for the days ahead.
Our first driving assessment was smooth driving. We were put into ford fiesta ST’s and sent out onto the icy track in a high gear to set the fastest lap possible without changing gear. Being smooth with steering, braking and accelerating was the key! along with keeping the speed up so you didn’t stall. It was tricky but I was confident in my performance. Throughout the whole process we weren’t told or times or how we had performed.
Next up was car control in the Porsche Cayman S road cars. We drove over a kick plate which flicked us into a spin across the super slippery painted bitumen whilst needing to avoid obstacles, then drifted around an even slipperier skid pan before coming to a stop with the added pressure of knowing we were being timed. A lot of the girls struggled spinning left right and centre, I learnt quickly from their mistakes and mine, adapted and nailed my run.
Our last assessment for the afternoon was fitness, we were measured, weighed and tested on different physical fitness abilities such as flexibility, strength and our V02 max. this was tough and I’m still sore! We all learnt our strengths and weaknesses and know what we have to work on going forward. I’m fit and left nothing in the tank with my effort and performance. It was a huge day and this was just the first day. It was back to the hotel to rest and prepare to do it all again!
I didn’t sleep that night , I still hadn’t adapted to the time change but I did my best to rest as i knew I would need all my energy and concentration for day 2. Our team were straight back into the cars right away starting with the fords again, but assessing coordination this time. The melted snow had turned to ice overnight and the conditions were extremely difficult. We had to find grip by picking the right line, be fast by choosing the right gear and navigate our way around the track without coming off or hitting cones. The snow melted quickly but parts of the track still had solid ice across the turns.
Next it was back into the Porsche as we were tested on driver ability. We started from a stand still, navigated our way around a course onto the slippery circle where we had to drift back the other way, back around some tight U turns and onto the icy skid pan whilst avoiding obstacles then stop to finish the clock. It was a lot of fun and we all enjoyed the power of the Porsche again and i left nothing out on the track and drove right on the limit.
That afternoon we had media interviews, I took my CV with me and whipped it out in my interview, by the end the judges were smiling so that was a great sign. Soon after we had another driving exercise which was a front wheel drive manual car with go jacks under both rear wheels on the side of a slope! this taught us how to drive smooth and fast, understanding how to get the most from a front wheel drive car and the centrifugal forces that act on it. Everyone was laughing there were some hilarious performances. my run felt slow and i hit my first cone for the weekend, but I had given it my all.